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Create an accountLearn how to identify competency themes and write competencies, and how to be an effective team member on a competency design and/or implementation project.
Discount Offer: Enjoy 50% off the second course you register for.
Please note: 6% SST is included in the price.
With the focus on growing businesses, the awareness of what competencies are and what they are used for is more important than ever. This interactive workshop teaches Line and HR Managers the knowledge of how to build and validate a competency model to enable them to understand how competencies are integrated into HR programs and career paths. Participants will learn how to identify competency themes and write competencies, and how to be an effective team member on a competency design and/or implementation project.
Workshop details
Registration fee
MYR 2,145 + 6% SST
Workshop dates
(Select from these available dates)
March 15, 16
July 12, 13
November 29, 30
Virtual workshops will run from 9:00am - 1:00pm GMT+8.
Contact us
To learn more about Mercer's virtual workshops, fees, registration process, please visit our website.
Confirmation of the workshop proceeding is dependent on the total number of registrants. Mercer reserves the right to change or cancel any part of its workshop.
Discount Offer: Enjoy 50% off the second course you register for.
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