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Create an accountA uniquely specialized assignment survey to keep you informed about policies, practices and trends for global businesses with rotator assignees.
Changing demographics, security issues, government restrictions, talent shortages and compliance are just some of the challenges that global businesses with rotator assignees face. Rotators are often based in remote locations and work extended workdays/weeks, typically unaccompanied, differentiating their situation from that of typical expatriates. For global mobility managers, managing rotator assignments presents a series of separate and often unique issues. Stay competitive in the face of these challenges with this uniquely specialized assignment survey.
Rotator assignees are employees who alternate a period of work with a period of nonwork in a location of residence on a fixed or predefined schedule. The survey covers onshore and offshore rotators, whether contractors or salaried employees.
This survey is open to new participants. Verified survey submissions are entitled to the participant discount rate on report orders, which is one-third of the nonparticipant rate. Start the Rotator Assignment Survey here: