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Create an accountReview statutory and supplemental benefit details for social security, retirement, medical, death, disability and more.
This 5-workshop program provides an all-round understanding of compensation philosophy, strategy, and compensation and benefits elements. Learn about Mercer’s International Position Evaluation (IPE) methodology and its application. We will also provide you with practical tools and techniques on how to use MS Excel to manage day to day HR data analysis and reports efficiently.
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Benefit provisions are often driven by the statutory requirements imposed by government entities. As the laws and regulations governing benefits constantly change, tracking reliable information can be time-consuming and expensive. Use WBEG to navigate this complex topic and ensure you’re providing the right level of coverage for your employees.
Note: WBEG is an in-depth annual publication providing a detailed review of benefit provisions and employment legislation. For ongoing developments on topics covered in this report, subscribers to WBEG Online and TAAP+ can access The Legislative Digest for a monthly round-up of new legislation.
Contact us if you would like to upgrade your current subscription.
Employment conditions
Check out the list of markets available for the Worldwide Benefit & Employment Guidelines.
A global online subscription includes 12 months' access to market-specific data for all available markets. Global online includes the PDF reports and access to regular legislative updates. Region online includes access to market-specific data for all available markets within the selected region.
Product details
Published: Online April 2023
Next release: Updated throughout the year