HIPAA Privacy and Security Rule Training, United States

While HIPAA training solutions proliferate the market, few focus on the special issues facing group health plans. Mercer knows the health and welfare space, and this training reflects that expertise.

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HIPAA compliance can be a daunting challenge: high penalties, rigorous enforcement, extensive risks to Protected Health Information (PHI).

Group health plans are HIPAA Covered Entities (CEs). The Privacy and Security Rules require CEs to train workforce members with PHI access and for good reason: human error is a common thread among the penalties publicized by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Many don’t realize that HIPAA does not specify the content, duration or frequency of required training. This is consistent with HIPAA's flexible and scalable approach.

Mercer has therefore created a flexible and scalable video training on HIPAA’s major duties. In only an hour’s time, you can rest assured that your PHI workforce is properly trained. There is ongoing, any-time access to the video training for those who join your team in the future.

Topics include:

  • HIPAA background
  • Participant rights
  • HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • HIPAA Security Rule
  • Business Associate issues
  • HHS enforcement
  • Employee sanctions
  • Best practices for safeguarding PHI
  • Mercer’s training reviews these topics through the group health plan lens. Attendees’ understanding is tested throughout the training with quiz questions.

If you are responsible for HIPAA compliance, ask yourself these four questions:

  1. Has my entire PHI workforce received HIPAA training (or retraining in the past 12-18 months)?
  2. Do they know what to do in the event of a security incident or PHI breach?
  3. Do they know the major precautions to protect PHI?
  4. Am I fully satisfied with the ease and appropriateness of my current HIPAA training program?

If you answered no to any of these questions, then Mercer’s video training is likely a good fit for your purpose. View our sample training demonstration here or by reaching out to your local Mercer contact, who can also discuss our other training options with you

While HIPAA compliance often starts with training, it doesn’t end there. Employers sponsoring group health plans must take other significant steps to be fully compliant. Your local Mercer contact is also a good starting point for discussing Mercer’s HIPAA solutions more specifically.

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