Flexible Working Policies, Malaysia

Your company’s perspective and your employee’s expectations may differ, thoughtful planning and taking these considerations into account will help enable a more flexible approach to work.

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Malaysia Flexible Working Policies
USD 2,535.15

The new normal is all about flexible working

It’s been more than 100 years since the global pandemic of 1918, and a lot has changed since then. In addition to the advancements in health care, our 21st century world is full of technological advances that have allowed many businesses to continue to operate and employees to continue to work — away from their typical workplace locations. Although flexible working became a necessity, many companies and employees would like to continue with this alternate working option. This means creating, defining, or revising policies related to flexible working.

Topics covered

  • Defining flexibility
  • Flexible working philosophy
  • Flexible working impact on workspaces
  • Policy implementation and administration
  • Impact of working remotely
  • Flexible working policy measurement

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